Salutation (เรียน)

Your Excellency (ถึงผู้ที่มีตำแหน่งสูงสุดในกระทรวง, สถานทูต)

 Ambassador (Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary) วิสามัญผู้มีอำนาจเต็ม
 Prime Minister
 Minister of the Ministry
 Consul General/Honorary Consul

Your Honorable

 Minister (อัครราชทูต), Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) รองหัวหน้าสำนักงาน, Minister Counsellor (อัครราชทูตที่ปรึกษา)
 Deputy Minister

Your Venerable

  พระสงฆ์ (พม่า กัมพูชา ศรีลังกา)

Dear Komsan,


 Pope    Your Holiness
 Cardinal  Your Eminence
 Archbishop  Your Grace
 Bishop    Your Worship
 Priest    Father

Hierarchy (ไฮ้รากี่) ลำดับขั้นของยศ สมณศักดิ์ หรือตำแหน่ง


Precise/Precision ความชัด มีโฟกัส ตรงประเด็น

Concise/Conciseness กระชับ กะทัดรัด

Precise+Concise=Short (complete without any unnecessary words) ได้ใจความ








Complimentary Close

Your favourable support on issuing Non-ED visa for Mr……/Ms….. will be highly appreciated.

We look forward to receiving any updates on this request.

We are very much obliged for assistance you have extended.



With all the highest esteem to Your Excellency

With all the highest esteem to Your Honorable

Sincerely yours

With all my best regards (ด้วยความเคารพอย่างสูง)

Best regards (ด้วยความเคารพ)

Best/Regards (เคารพ)


Later (แค่นี้ก่อนนะ)


1.Maxim of quantity (เยิ่นเย้อ)

Dear Phatcharaporn,

  Greeting from Universiti Malaya. How’s the covid situation there.


Thank you very much for your assistance here. I am really appreciated it and look forward to cooperating with you again.

2.Maxim of quality (ข้อเท็จจริง)

A: I plan to visit NU on April 2, would that be possible?

B: We actually have an emerging event on that day and all key staff members are required to be there as it is the annual event of the university.


We are certain that the program we have catered will be of great impression for you.


 Be objective (หลีกเลี่ยงการใช้คำคุณศัพท์และกริยาวิเศษ) fantastic, impressively, greatly, surprisingly
3.Maxim of relevance (ถามอย่างตอบอย่าง)

A: Do you have a facebook account? I’d like to talk to you more about visa application.

B: You can poke around the university website, and go deeper into DIALD section.

(No contraction form of verb)



A: I’m interested in applying for a scholarship there. Would you guide me how to?

B: We have 3 major channels of scholarship offerings. 1. 2. 3. Please visit the university website for more information.

4.Maxim of manner (กำกวม)

A: I understand that the deadline for paper submission is 1 April but I was one day overdue. Can I still send it?

B: I appreciate your kind interest in joining the conference and submitting a paper. Our committee have worked very hard to screen all the papers before compiling it in the proceedings. I hope you would understand this.


Soon, later, soonest possible, asap, immediately, etc.


เจาะลึก email

 I’m writing to inform you that…..
 This email is to inform you that….
 Please refer to your message on………….. dated………..
 Sorry/apologise (apology) I’m terribly sorry for the belated reply.
 Vice versa

NU will waive tuition fee for Shinshu University student and vice versa. (Shinshu University will waive tuition fee for Naresuan University student.

We are pleased to take care of airfare ticket for President of Universiti Malaya when he officially visits us and vice versa.

 Ditch out (spend)

The university can’t ditch out such the budget for the activity.

 Last but by no means least
 Expedite interest (to survey)

We need to expedite interest from faculty/school first and will get back to you.

 What says you? (What do you think about this)

We plan to invite a speaker from …………. What says you?

 Unless otherwise (หรือเห็นเป็นอย่างอื่น)

Late paper submission will not be tolerated unless otherwise agreed upon by the committee.


The Loy Krathong Festival is held concurrently with the international conference.

This event is convened concurrently with the university anniversary.

 Amidst (ท่ามกลางสถานการณ์)/among (ท่ามกลางบุคคลหรือสถาบัน)

Amidst the covid-19 situation, we need to do mask mandate.

Among the partnered universities, they agree to move on this project.

Amidst the petrol hike, we have to use cars as necessarily as possible

 Albeit (though)

She is a smart person albeit serious.

He accepts the invitation albeit reluctantly.

 Alas (unfortunately)

The company alas went bankrupt last year.

Rujirat alas was fired this very morning.



We need to discuss about this issue on another venture (ในโอกาสอื่น)


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